Friday 21 April 2017

Selfish or Self-ist

Relaxed day today

Away from appointments, responsibility, doctors and nurses. Almost felt like a normal day - Except from people asking questions and asking for updates.
I don't usually mind people asking for updates and asking questions but today I just wanted to be selfish and have a normal day.

I've done some cleaning (a bit of spring cleaning) as I know that soon I won't be able to do as much for a while. Have been with myself and my own thoughts. It was nice for a change after the last few days.

Yesterday had so many phone calls because someone booked my chemo to start on Monday, but I wasn't ready for that, was expecting another week and a half to complete all my appointments and exams before we agree on a chemo date. After a good 5 phone calls (2 of them with some rude receptionist - I wish people wouldn't work in healthcare if they don't have a nice attitude) I finally solved this 'way to early' appointment mistake (It was agreed with the oncologist last week that I would start in 3 weeks, not 1 and a half.).

This is why I really needed a relaxed day to myself today. And I really deserved it.

Would like to give you a breast update. After my biopsy that was done on the 1st of April, my big bruising has just disappeared in the last couple of days, but is still sore. I still feel some pins and needles sometimes - at rest or when doing something heavy - specially under my arm as there was the last biopsy was taken from (10th April).
I am aware of my breast all the time, I try to ignore it but it doesn't work. I was scared to touch both of them - silly fear, I know - but I was afraid of hurting myself or making it even worse. I've been more confident lately but still going through the healing process. I have tried to go back to gym a week ago but the fast walk on the treadmill was making it ache, So I stopped and been sticking to normal walks or just bike to move my legs around.

It's not easy, but we've been good so far...


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