Thursday 24 May 2018

Small (Big) Achievements

Today I feel happy!

So I've decided to share!

Do you ever feel you go through life not noticing the good things that are happening instead of focusing on the bad things that happen only occasionally? - When you have a headache, you say to people: "I've got a headache..." but when you don't have one, you probably don't celebrate - every day - the fact that you haven't got one.

Gratitude! That's what I'm talking about. Daily gratitude.

Funny thing happened yesterday that I'm trying not to focus too much on - at least the negative side of it. Every day at work I make myself climb 3/4 flights of stairs (depending where I park my car), not only because I'm trying to be healthy, but because I want to improve myself and be the best version of me. So yesterday, as I was doing my usual stair climbing in the morning - and I must say I'm not a morning person - this other lady, older than me, walked past me and said: "Come on, it's only morning, you should have a little more energy", I politely smiled and said: "I'm just not a morning person." Although at that point I felt judged by her. I just wish people wouldn't assume you are healthy and fit just because you look it. But then, instead of focusing on the negative thoughts all this could lead to, I've decided to celebrate the achievement.
- A lot of people would take the lift, and I take the stairs
- Two months ago I would have to stop half way to catch my breath
- One month ago I would get in the department and would barely be able to say good morning without having to catch breath between the good and the morning.
- Today I reach the department door almost catching my breath.
One step at a time. I will get the fitness level I'm aiming for. I am doing the best as I can with what I have!

Also yesterday, for the first time in a few weeks I realised something that I can't remember when was the last time I had noticed it. My irradiated nipple stopped being over sensitive. The funny thing is I used to notice it every day even clothes rubbing against it would bother me, and now it stopped but I just don't know when. I stopped focusing on that, because it stopped being a problem, but forgot to appreciate the fact that it doesn't bother me as much anymore. Same with my joint aches, when did they stop? I have no idea. The only thing I know is I had them in January and now I don't.

It's definitely a process, things don't stop from one day to the other, they get better slow and steady without you even noticing, until you do and they'll be gone. It's a little bit every day, like M always say: It's like making a sculpture, you chisel a little bit every day.

And then, today, for the first in 5 months I touched my toes when stretching!!!

This might seem a silly achievement for the majority of the population but it's a huge one that I've been trying to conquer for a long time! And once again: A little bit every day!

The lesson for today is: Whatever your struggle is today, and whatever you're aiming for in the future, it will get better, and you'll get there. Slow and steady - just like the Tortoise!


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Small (Big) Achievements

Today I feel happy! So I've decided to share! Do you ever feel you go through life not noticing the good things that are happening ...
