Thursday 27 April 2017

Hormones Kick In

Just an update... I've got a huge headache!

Not enjoying this hormones situation. Kids are suppose to give headaches after, not before being even conceived (lol).
Oncology appointment went well yesterday. The doctor agrees with the date to start chemo and that was such a relief! The only little thing that came up on my CT scan was a small lymph node on my neck, and just because it was the same side as the cancer, we need to get it checked.

On a good note, I've bought my first 3 head scarves yesterday. I hope they are good enough and won't itch when it comes the time. Was going to buy silky ones but they are way to expensive (£35 for a scarf???) no way I'm going to pay a fortune for something that will be just temporary, so soft polyester will have to do.

Bone scan was today and it wasn't as bad as I though. Luckily got R to sit with me throughout the scan which was great, as M had to work. Had to take a radioactive injection and that means that I'll be radioactive for 24hours and my wee is going to be radioactive. (wow... although I don't feel a thing from it makes me feel a bit weird having something in me that is usually harmful)

The hormones are taking the best of me. Felt extremely tired at the point of start losing my balance hence why I didn't post on here. And felt extremely down and tired this morning and had a constant headache all day.
As I'm taking the hormone injections and as horrible the pain is, all I think is that this is just a small thing compared to what is about to happen. I fret about it but at the same time I think I'm underestimating the whole journey and being positive about it. I guess I'll let you all know when I get there.

"Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes around in another form"



  1. Olá Patrícia, pensa positivo SEMPRE. Venho do canal do YouTube da Tatanita... Infelizmente tenho um familiar a passar pelo mesmo e sem que nem sempre é fácil, mas vai tudo correr bem...porque Vai! Deixo-te um beijinho de muita Força. :)

    1. Obrigada minha querida =) muito obrigada mesmo pela força! Vai correr bem sim, o caminho é duro e longo mas hei-de lá chegar. Espero que o mesmo aconteça com o teu familiar, que tudo corra bem e que passe bem rápido! Muita força tb para esse lado. Beijinhos

    2. Não é para agradecer. Hoje são vocês, amanhã posso ser eu. Ninguém escolhe ficar doente, acontece. Apesar de toda a turbulência que possa atravessar o teu caminho, pensa que é só uma fase, uma experiência que vem ajudar a que mais tarde digas: "Consegui. Sou incrível"... Mais um beijinho. Vou acompanhando, prometo! :)

    3. Verdade, vai ser uma experiência que me vai ensinar muitas coisas e mostrar o quão forte sou. Acho que assim é para todos os que passam por isto. Mais um obrigada pelo beijinho e pela força =) beijinho


Small (Big) Achievements

Today I feel happy! So I've decided to share! Do you ever feel you go through life not noticing the good things that are happening ...
